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Nate Gallagher

I am a software developer living in San Francisco, CA. My dog loves taking me on walks to the Beach.

I moved to San Francisco in 2010 making ends meet as a restaurant host and delivering pizzas. After returning to schooling at Art Institute and City College to build skills in media production and programming I found work as an Audio Visual and Video Conferencing technician at Amazon Music. I learned and grew at that position for about two years and I was promoted to supervisor, overseeing AudioVisual technicians from Orange County to Northern California. During this time Amazon also acquired Twitch, situated in Downtown San Francisco, and I also took responsibility supporting Twitch.

During my time at Twitch I learned a lot about livestreaming. I decided to leave that position and run my own media production company. During 2018-2019 I had several clients and also worked with local referrers for larger trade shows and concerts where I worked as a stagehand/audiovisual technician. As much as I enjoyed the freedom and the work, I remained curious about programming.

Since starting to livestream I used tools built with JavaScript for overlays and tweaked them for my own custom designs but I wanted to understand how to build my own. I studied in my free time and in 2019 I decided to pursue software development full time. I enjoy solving code problems, tackling new algorithms, and building functional projects I can interact with. I spend my days sharpening my skills and looking for the next great opportunity to grow as a programmer.